I thought it would be fun to make a girly pink Tooth Fairy letter for little girls as a special idea for the Tooth Fairy to leave. Unfortunately, Tooth Fairy letters weren’t really a thing back then, or at least not in our house. Make a decision that will impact for the long term.I’m so thrilled to share this adorable Tooth Fairy letter for girls with you because I know how excited I used to get when I was waiting for the Tooth Fairy to come. I dont believe you're being harsh at all, if she still gets rewarding for her naughty behaviour then what is the lesson that you are teaching her? Perhaps you could leave her a message from the tooth fairy saying that she fears she wont get the opportunity to meet her as he behaviour has not been up to par. I think it's important to understand their thinking behind their actions, for example my daughter believes it is her right to take these things because they are 'hers' specifically brought for her. I find it amusing at time watching her develop, and watching her make naughty choices, BUT as her mum, it is my job to teach her that taking something without asking is wrong. I sometimes witness my daughter deciding whether she will take the chocolate without asking, ''will the pleasure i get out of eating this chocolate outweigh the displeasure of being told off and potentially punished?'' My daughter is four years old and she knows the difference of wrong and right, it is no longer a matter of teaching them the differences, but making the aware that there are concequences for 'choosing' to be naughty. I'm aware not everyone will agree with what I did but everyone parents diffently and this worked for me. I did go to my bedroom for a little cry about his reaction as I knew i was the cause of him being so upset but it really did work. I know it was prop excitment building up to the big day but after doing the 'walk of shame' three times in a week at school I felt i had to do something that would really shock him. I tried all the sending to rooms, taking toys from him, grounding him at weekends, no friends for tea etc but nothing worked. When me son saw it, he broke down in tears (which broke my heart) but his beahviour improved straight away and santa sent him another email a few days before christmas saying he was back on the nice list. But as his behaviour continues to go down hill both at home and school (was sent to the head master on a few occaions) I took the drastic action of sending him another email from santa putting him in the 'not nice list'.
Don't know if you've heard of it but you can do emails from santa on a website called Portable north Pole, my son had already had his 'nice list' email from santa. I'm actually with you on this, my son (8) was doing everything he could to push his luck before christmas.

I am a single mum with no other support so this is all down to me to get it right. I have got to the point where i feel i must of done something wrong for them to think this behaviour is acceptable so now i am trying to turn this around. they can keep what will fit in the boxes on their shelves and i have made a rule that its one toy in and one toy out (obviously if they require a small collection for a game i will let them) but they do need to put them away before getting more out. I have also sorted out most of their toys now and am selling a lot of stuff and have chucked a lot of stuff away. So, my question is how should i word a letter from the tooth fairy which my daughter is expecting a visit from today, to try and get through kindly, that they need to do XYZ? I want to take this opportunity and use it well! I think the idea that "some magical person" sees all may help.

Its gone on too long and now im worried my 1 year old is going to pick up this behaviour also. There is no negotiation over food anymore (seperate thread!) and i have told them as they will not look after their things properly or tidy them away i will not be buying them anything else and as their birthdays are not until next autumn, i mean it! I no longer use the naughty step, its straight to their bedroom now. They gang up on me and quite often point blank refuse to do what i say culminating in me sending one or the other to their room and then have to suffer the tantrum that follows. At times i feel like im out of control of them. My two eldest have been pushing me with their behaviour recently. Hi, i have a 4yr old DS a 5yr old DD and a 1yr old DS.